SharkFest’18 ASIA Retrospective

April 9th - 11th, 2018
Nanyang Technological University, Singapore

Keynote Presentation

Wireshark: Past, Present & Future

Gerald Combs

Tuesday Classes

Wednesday Classes

A Word of Thanks

SharkFest’18 ASIA, on the 20th anniversity of the Wireshark Project, and the first ever in the Asia Pacific was a roaring success thanks to the highly engaged community of core developers and Wireshark users in attendance. Special thanks to Gerald Combs for tirelessly, fearlessly guiding the Wireshark open source project and maintaining its relevancy, to core developers for traveling long distances to advance Wireshark code together, to Laura Chappell for creating another highly-anticipated Packet Challenge, to Sake Blok for the many man-hours dedicated to creating a thrilling group packet competition, to a staff and volunteer crew who went far beyond caring to serve attendees during the conference, to instructors who voluntarily shuffled lives and schedules to educate participants and learn from one another, to sponsors who so generously provided resources that made the conference possible, to the NTU social hosts who made our social events truly social, and to the team for working through months of minutiae to help stage the conference on the lush and beautiful NTU campus.


Host Sponsors

Angel Shark Sponsors

Group Packet Challenge Sponsor

Honorary Sponsors