SharkFest’24 US Retrospective
June 15-20 Fairfax, VA
Keynote Presentations
Ecosystem Expansion
Gerald Combs & Friends
Steering the Wireshark project into the future
Roland Knall, Chris Greer, Stephen Donnelly, Ron Groulx, Nigel Douglas, and John Modlin
Tuesday Classes
- 01: Finding Duplications with Wireshark, by Megumi Takeshita
- 02: Real-world post-quantum TLS, by Peter Wu
- 03: 3GPP and me! A walk through of mobility, by Mark Stout
- 04: Monitoring and Troubleshooting Without Packet Traces, by Chris Hull
- 05: Using Wireshark to Solve Real Problems for Real People, by Kary Rogers
- 06: Bake your own Pi: Building a TLS Decrypting Wireless Traffic Sniffer, by Ross Bagurdes
- 07: Gotta catch ‘em all! A field test of portable gigabit taps, by Sake Blok
- 08: Wireshark plus Advanced Analytics – Better Together (2 part session), by John Pittle
- 09: Cloud doesn’t have Packets!, by Stephen Donnelly
- 10: Wireshark plus Advanced Analytics – Better Together (2 part session), by John Pittle
Wednesday Classes
- 11: Enhancing Wi-Fi Networks with AI: A Deep Dive into Machine Learning for Wi-Fi Health Checks, by Murat Bilgic
- 12: TCP Retransmissions - How many is “too” many?, by Betty DuBois
• Presentation Files
• Presentation Profiles - 13: Will QUIC Kill TCP?, by Chris Greer
- 14: Passive Fingerprinting Methods for IoT Profiling, by Asaf Fried
- 15: The Packet Doctors are in! Packet trace examinations with the experts
- 16: Filters from a novice; Back to the Basics, by Kirsten Stoner & Karinne Bessette
- 17: Dissector developer design notes, by Jaap Keuter
- 18: Smart Networks: Automating Analysis and Troubleshooting with AI Chatbots, by Roland Knall
- 19: An API-Driven approach to automating packet captures in cloud-native systems, by Nigel Douglas
Thursday Classes
- 20: Get comfy with TCP handshakes, by Chris Greer
- 21: Packet-Guided Infrastructure Optimization, by Josh Clark
- 22: Advanced TCP Troubleshooting, by Jasper Bongertz
- 23: Three-dimensional display filters with MATE, by Chuck Craft